License Information
Paleoglobe images produced by GlobalGeology
The individual paleoglobe images produced by GlobalGeology are the sole, intellectual property of C. R. Scotese, PALEOMAP Project. These images may be used or modified in any manner for non-commercial personal use and academic purposes such as: teaching, research, lectures, seminars, thesis research, and research grant proposals. The paleoglobe images produced by GlobalGeology may be freely used in non-profit scientific publications and journals (paper or on the web) as long as appropriate credit is given to the author (see below for credit line). The copyright imprimatur may not be altered in any way.
Paleoglobe images produced by Global Geology may not be copied, resold, used or modified in any manner for commercial purposes, such as consulting reports, trade journals or the popular press, textbooks, videos, educational CD-ROMS, computer animations, museum exhibits, commercial web sites or for any other commercial use, without a written license agreement from the PALEOMAP Project. Paleoglobe images produced by GlobalGeology may not be used to produce derivative works that will be used for commercial purposes without without a written license agreement from the PALEOMAP Project.
If questions arise regarding potential use of the paleoglobe images produced by Global Geology, please contact:
Christopher R. Scotese,
134 Dodge Avenue
Evanston, Illinois 60202
Phone: 817 914 7090
email: cscotese ( at ) gmail.com
Credit Information
The individual paleoglobe images from GlobalGeology should credited as:
"Paleoglobe for the XXXXX, YYY million years ago, by C. R. Scotese, PALEOMAP Project".
where XXXXX is the name of the geological time period, and YYY is the age in millions of years.
For example: "Paleoglobe for the Late Cretaceous, 90 million years ago, by C. R. Scotese, PALEOAMP Project).
When referring to GlobalGeology in scientific papers, thesis research, and research grant proposals, the following citation should be used:
" Scotese, C.R., and Dreher, C., 2012. GlobalGeology, http:/www.GlobalGeology.com."